ident / 2 minutes
commissioned by itfs / 2019
Ode celebrates a specific feeling, which occurs in the fleeting moment when our perspective shifts. For a moment we no longer see our world as a grim, rough place we must survive, but as a landscape full of opportunities and together-ness. It’s the shared moment after we’ve overcome adversity, we pause and look at each other, we look around at our environment with a sense of wonder, like children in a cluttered playroom looking for the next adventure.
In the summer 2018 the Ministry of Justice and for Europe Baden-Württemberg together with the International Trickfilm-Festival Stuttgart (ITFS) / Film- und Medienfestival GmbH in-itiated a competition for students, postgraduate and start-ups in Baden-Württemberg to pro-duce a short film that celebrates the European idea and union. Director Shadi Adib developed a pitch together with her companion Michael Logar and got selected. Shadi decided to produce her film together with Studio Soi. Ode had its premiere at the International Trick-filmfestival in Stuttgart on April 30th 2019.
Shadi Adib, Carsten Bunte, Merlin Flügel, Vitor Gomes, Torsten Kamps, Michael Logar, Heiko Maile, Torben Meier, Tobias Scherer, Michael Sieber.